Pastor McGeown Writes A Book

Pastor McGeown Publishes Book on the End Times

“The world will end on October 21, 2011,” declared Harold Camping, whose Family Radio Station in 2011 paid for posters advertising this doomsday prophecy all over the world, including here in Limerick.  Many other supposed Christians before him have made similar claims that never came true. Interpretations of the Bible's teachings of the end-times even influence modern politics especially in the Middle East, as many US citizens and politicians believe that “the Holy Land belongs to Israel by divine prerogative.”

Non-Christians take this as evidence that the Bible itself is false. Doomsday preachers disagree strongly amongst themselves. But what does the Bible actually teach about the apocalypse, the end of the world, the Antichrist, the Tribulation, and the Rapture?

These and many other questions are answered soberly and helpfully in a recently published book written by Pastor Martyn McGeown of the Limerick Reformed Fellowship.

Pastor McGeown is a native of Cookstown, Co. Tyrone, a graduate of Queen’s University Belfast, and of a Reformed theological seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan. For over six years, since July 2010, he has pastored a fellowship of believers who meet every Sunday at 11 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. in Conradh Na Gaelige, Thomas Street, Limerick.

Pastor McGeown’s labours focus mainly on the preaching of the Holy Scriptures. Since his arrival in Limerick, he has preached series of sermons on many books and sections of the Bible, including his recent series of lectures, “The Back to Basics Lecture Series.” One of those series is the basis of his new book, Called to Watch for Christ’s Return, an exposition of two chapters of Matthew’s gospel, which is the longest treatment by Jesus Christ himself of his own coming at the end of the world. In those chapters, Jesus tells his disciples about the signs which will precede his coming again at the end of history.

Much study of Scripture and close interaction with the various schools of thought lie behind Pastor McGeown’s new book.

The book is also practical—Christ calls us to watch for, not merely to speculate about, his coming. The careful, believing reader will be informed, warned, and comforted by the teaching of Jesus on this important subject.

This attractive paperback of some 304 pages is available from the Limerick Reformed Fellowship, Ireland, and from the Covenant Protestant Reformed Church in Ballymena, N. Ireland.