
Dave Hunt's Dishonest Rant Against Calvinism

Dave Hunt's Dishonest Rant Against Calvinism

I do not often devote the blog to a book review. However, a visitor came to the LRF last week and gave me a book to read. Here is my critique of the book.

Dave Hunt’s A Calvinist’s Honest Doubts Resolved (The Berean Call [Bend, OR, 2005]) is based on an excerpt from his much longer work called What Love Is This: Calvinism’s Misrepresentation of God. It is well known that Hunt was a virulent anti-Calvinist. The sad thing is that Hunt either never understood Calvinism, or—and this is worse—he deliberately misrepresented it.

Introducing Our Canons of Dordt Class (available for download)

Introducing Our Canons of Dordt Class (available for download)

In 1618-1619 in the Dutch city of Dordrecht a synod met to discuss, and ultimately to condemn, the Arminian heresy, which had been spreading like a leaven throughout the churches in the Netherlands.

The fruit of this Synod of Dordt, at which not only Dutch, but also many foreign delegates were present, was the beautiful creed, the Canons of Dordt.