
Paganism and Christian Liberty

Paganism and Christian Liberty

Every year about this time articles and pictures appear condemning the observance of "pagan" holidays such as Easter (and we could add Christmas at the appropriate season). It is often claimed that the names of these holidays (as well as the day chosen by the early church for their observance) are pagan and correspond to pagan festivals.

It is not my intention here to prove or disprove whether such allegations are true. They may well be. The connection between pagan festivals and Christian days may be exaggerated. My point is much simpler than that: the pagan origins of something do not disqualfy the Christian from using it. To state the contrary is to commit a logical fallacy. 

No Such Thing As The Perfect Church ...

No Such Thing As The Perfect Church ...

"But there is no such thing as a perfect  church!"

Let's face it, churches in Europe, and in Ireland in particular are very weak. Many of them are false. Many of them teach false doctrine. Many of them teach confusing mixtures of doctrine. Many of them teach no doctrine at all. In many of them the sacraments are corrupted, and there has been no church discipline for generations.

Few deny this charge who look objectively and dispassionately at the situation.